So I'm currently standing in the[i]Rocketyard[/i] about to begin my quest on defeating[i] Sepik's Prime[/i] in hope to receive maybe a [b]Monte Carlo[/b] or [b]MIDA Multi Tool[/b].... But knowing my luck I'll be rewarded with 5 Strange Coins or 9 Ascendant Energies lol, but hey it happens to all of us at some point!
I wanna know what you guys and girls got, share what you got & what you was hoping to get below
Hope there's not much disappointment & good luck
First Run - Patience and Time (Which I have already, but nevertheless at least it's not energies.. Or is it?)
Heck no. I got a legendary engram which the cryptarch turned into ascendant shards. I have 56 of them now. One of the guys I was with literally got nothing. Absolutely nothing. We turned around and did the Weekly Heroic and got our nine strange coins. Plus a ton of blue equipment, which, if equipped, won't get you to the level needed to even do a level 28 weekly. After that RNG and I took a walk down a dark alley and I had a nice conversation with him. We'll see how he treats my Titan.