Destiny is a great game with many great features, timeless missions, beautiful graphics and endless fun, but there is one feature which makes Destiny the greatest game of all time. This one feature is makes Destiny stand out from any other game, setting precedent for future games to come: Dancing. There is no greater feeling greater than that which you feel after you wipe out a line of enemies and dancing on their dead bodies. Dancing adds character to your character, it is truly the reason i continue to play Destiny everyday.
However, one thing lacks in this feature. I do the same dance every time, my character cant seem to learn new dance moves! The worst part is, i can see other guys doing different dance moves then me, some really cool ones, but i cant get my character to do them!
I am speaking in behalf of the people of Destiny.
Please allow us to get new dance moves! It'd be great to have a slot in our menus to equip dance moves. Maybe add some michael jackson moves, some james brown splits, the dougie, charleston, the hussle, or even the fudging soulja boy dance. I long for the day where i can moonwalk on the dead bodies of my rival guardians. Hell, i would even pay money to buy a dancepack DLC honestly. (id much rather unlock them through heroic tasks though!)
So, bungie, PLEASE listen to the request of the people of Destiny, and let us all become the dancing guardians we wish to be.
Hi monster mon x, I have not found out how to make my guardian dance. What is the trick?