Not too long ago [url=]I made this[/url] to show how all the members of HFCS are connected to the other members through the members who follow us. I want to do the same thing again, but this time on a larger scale, so I figured what better place to do it than here in #offtopic.
Here's what you need to do: [b]post something below as a reply to this post[/b]. That's it.
As long as you make a post which is a reply to this post, then you'll be included. If you want to reply to other people, you can, but you won't be included until you post a reply to this post. In about a week's time I'll come back to this topic and run the little program I have to generate a graph of #offtopic like the HFCS one above. In the meantime, try to find people you consider integral to #offtopic and follow them.
Just made it
Fashionably late ofc
tuckers baby, I made the 'turkey' part for thanksgiving.
Woah woah, hold up I'm here I'm here. I got caught in traffic.
Yes. But I probably already replied.
Yes I am a part of #offtopic
Bump n jump
Bump bump bump
I think I already replied. But just in case . . . Bump.
Ayy [spoiler]lmao[/spoiler]
Heyyyytyyytttttyyyyyyyyyyyy im herererere
*replies to post*
[quote] [/quote]
I don't know if I was added, my main is: Prothek
You are a pirate
Black Flag is awesome
Ready and reporting for duty, Sir!