I've seen a lot of people complain about Destiny's lore and how you have to go to the desktop site or Destiny app to look at your grimore. The lore is a great addition to Destiny, but the fact that there is so little of it, and having little tie in to the actual game disappoints me. As it is part of your grimore, a good addition to access lore and some players' frustrations would to have a digital "Adventure Log" or "Exploration Log", which would be your in-game accessible grimore. (Possibly accessed from your Nav Mode, and going into a close camera third person view, with seeing your character looking at its hologram, which swiping for the controls would be awesome use of the DualShock 4 touchpad) A great amount of the stories written in the grimore would be awesome for being made into cut scenes or a series of cut scenes accessible once you collect the card, for example, the story behind an Exotic weapon (like the TLW & Thorn Story), possibly accessed by taking the weapon to the Speaker, and then he would tell you its story, as he is just a vendor who seems if that he would have a bigger role in the game. The lore isn't very clear, and having a cutscene would clear up a lot of confusion) Would you like to see this in Destiny? Is there a reason Bungie didn't have grimore accessible in-game?
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