You mean damage bonus? Of course they did.
My scout rifles kill the Hapries on venus with 1 crit but take 3 normal shots. Whenever I had the 100 precision kills bounty, I would just shoot at the air to have them turn towards me so I can take them out with a single precision hit.
Edited by Kogakahzee: 11/19/2014 6:31:45 PMSaid can kill Harpies and can now get the bonuses for doing so. Like Chain of Woe and Gunslinger's Trance. Said nothing in there about damage bonuses.
So you were talking about two Hunter Gunslinger perks and nothing else?
Just read my original post.
I did, and you claimed bounties did not work. They did!
Not for killing a harpy with a headshot. Just read the original post and try your best to understand it. It's all explained up there. Not that difficult.
You mention bounties. By that you must mean "kill 100 enemies with precision shots" as there are no other bounties where precision kills matter. And for that bounty harpies have always worked.