Please notice: This has nothing to do with the new ping indicator that seems buggy, show red pings randomly.
I've experienced a lot of players playing with unbelievably bad connection. They don't recognise if you shoot them, teleporting around or you just get your kill 3-8 seconds after you killed one of those laggers.
I highly recommend to implement a ping limit to kick laggers with a Ping above ~80/120ms.
This is a really important step to stop this unacceptable lags.
Laggers should have no right to play competitive multiplayer as long as they don't have a solid ping. This should be a part of the online gaming Terms & Conditions.
If you agree with me I'd really appreciate if you bump or /sign.
I agree something needs to be done. Majority of the red bar players I run into are top of the scoreboard in game because they won't die when you shoot them. Every one else has green bar and this guy with red bar is getting some kind of lag advantage. I report them for bad connection but I doubt the report feature does jack shit.