I’m Tired of reading all over the forums about people complaining about the Destiny loot system. Contrary to popular belief it’s not some RNG that spills out legendries and exotics to all the noobs of the world. The Destiny loot system is a bit more complex than that and most importantly it relies on an intelligent player base. That is where WE are failing Bungie.
The likelihood of picking up an Exotic weapon bounty increases with the more bounties you turn that day as does turning in a large about at the same time. The same is true for the Cryptarch and his engrams.
As you increase the difficulty of a strike, the likelihood of Legendary and Exotic item drops increase. If you want better Items play more difficult content. For example; The Raid has some of the highest drop rates of all the best gear. It also has the highest barrier of entry.
Items require upgrade materials to achieve the highest level performance, and the best Items have some pretty sharp upgrade requirements. This insures that even post receipt players must spend countless hours investing in “farming”.
Now when viewing the PVP loot system you have to remember the reward system is based around the difficulty of the content. Because the PVP system is such that any level player can dominate a match and your “light level” translates to almost nothing and farming hours are not required. You have to consider it midgame content. I’d expect PVP payouts to be around the same return rate as a lvl 24 strike off the playlist.
The common thread across each of these sub systems is that your performance within the content is not as important as the difficulty of the content you’re preforming. If you’re tired of seeing scrubs get rewarded over you, play content that the Scrubs can’t hang in… i.e. Raid, Nightfall, and the lvl 28 weekly.
Bungie did say that the PVE was the main focus and the loot system is evident of this.
Lmao you're dead wrong about exotic bounties, Cryptarch, and PVP rewards.