Nerf the nerfs. That's right, nerf them. The ban hammer does way too much damage to our gaming community as a whole; it gives us a false sense of entitlement, and let's us demand more nerfs In justification... So I'll take my false sense of entitlement, and demand a nerf of all nerfs.
-pulls out Nerf gun-
If you demand all nerfs to be nerfed then what will be left to be nerfed? As all nerfs have already been nerfed. I contest your idea to nerf all nerfs by nerfing everything that was once nerfed by nerfs. If Bungie nerfs everything that was nerfed then everything that wasn't nerfed will also be nerfed due to all of the other nerfs being nerfed.
Please consider nerfing your post OP, it would really help with the nerfs you know? Its like theyre trying to nerf the community?