So I had a fun little gaming conversation comparing exclusives of the major console exclusives, the pros and cons, and what kind of games each company does best, and somebody tried to argue that Nintendo Gamers are like 'mobile gamers'(edit: as in cell phones, not handhelds like ds or vita), they don't really count.
His argument pertained party games and common exclusives that Nintendo come out with aren't really proper games, Smash Brothers was for children and Legend of Zelda is nothing but a nostalgia series at this point. Didn't really give an opinion on Metroid, he just scoffed.
What're your opinions personally?
Edit: I'm glad to see a good degree of people responding logically realizing that, in my opinion, the term gamer is a rather inclusive term itself.
Well since Nintendo saved the video game industry, are one of the oldest companies in gaming being 125 years old and have revolutionised the video game industry and are still going strong today, I would say people (including myself) who play on Nintendo consoles should be classed as gamers, Legend of Zelda isn't just nostalgic Link between worlds (the latest one) was fantastic as I think every Zelda game is. Smash is actually a quite competitive game with tournaments for it. Metroid was an amazing game but since there hasn't been one in some time, who knows where that is going. Mario is the most famous video game in history as almost everybody can recognise him. With bayonetta 2 just been released (one of the best games on the Wii U) that can be seen as a game for gamers. With many other iconic games and characters that have helped the video game industry out, I think Nintendo gamers are gamers just like anyone who plays one Playstation consoles, Xbox consoles and on the PC along with any other consoles I haven't mentioned