originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
The Raid Daddy Group was out for run #4 tonight and put in a personal best 1:10. I'm sure there are faster times, but for us, things were clicking pretty good...among the group I'm known for two things, the incredible number of times I die...and my incredible luck with the drops I've been getting when we raid. Yup, I'm that guy.
So you can truly understand my fireteams frustration - in the previous times we've been to the Vault I've walked out with a full set of raid armor, atheon's epilogue, praedeth's revenge, glass minuet and the obligatory 3 chatterwhites. But tonight things seemed to turn...some of the team picked up some nice loot but I was getting shards, some energy, another chest piece...it had been a nice run, I had been gifted well in my previous visits so it was all good.
Anyway, I needed shards. I needed 21 to be exact. My last piece of raid armor needed those 21 shards along with a boatload of spirit bloom to fully level up and hit 30. But the count coming out of the Vault was 15...so, no worries, I can get 6 in a few days...
I pool my coins/motes etc, in my vault so I drop in to the Tower to unload everything, but as I pass by my vault screen I notice something I hadn't before, I have 4 shards in the vault. Sweet! Now I'm at 19, it won't take long at all to get 2 more...but wait, I just got a legendary chest piece that I can dismantle for...wait for it...2 shards! Holy s**t, I'm a boatload of spirit bloom away from leveling up...
So, here I sit at 1am EST after collecting a boatload of spirit bloom with a +30 Hunter...
And now, let me lead the cheer...
Who's the Luckiest SOB in this game...?
The freakin' STOOPIDnoob, that's who!
FYI I respectfully hate you. :). I ran the raid with two characters this week and got only shards and energy on both. No weapons, no raid armor, no nothing except chatterwhite, again.. RNG hates me. If I don't find the time to get iron banner to lvl 4 for my lvl 30 armor, I may just give up altogether.
YES! How excellent is that? I thought I was the lucky one last night, walking out of the vault with that absurdly huge pile of loot. Right on for you, NOOB! So now we're gonna start running hard mode, right?