Ive prolly spent the past two weeks with the rest of you lurking and fixing the tinfoil hat ontop of my head trying all sorts of theories and riddles and clues (Props to horizon and this community for keeping me enthralled) Last night while just doing a fun run in the Vault (On normal) I had something happen to me/us that had never happened before.
Normally after you beat Atheon you're stuck with that Timer that counts down and ends at zero, well last night I actually got pulled out of the game and to a final "Score screen" like you would see at the end of a mission (Complete with Rewards recieved and all) Now i remember normally when ive died trying out theories I would end up stuck untill someone went to orbit. Im not sure if its a glitch or if someone else had experienced this before but i figured id share with the rest of you tin foil hatters out here.
I know one of the latest trends is people saying theyve seen a chest or something and not have proof well As you can see from this video I was not letting that happen to me/us lol (Yes I know I held my camera sideways I was panicing and trying to record it before our raid leader took us back to orbit)
Anyways I hope this helps or maybe opens a few more doors to the mysteries that we are all finding and if this is something that has happened before to someone then my mistake, Just trying to help out solve these mysteries and riddles anyway possible!
Edit: For the record we did nothing special except before we killed atheon I made sure to hop my ass up on the Venus/Right Portal and shot the last of my rockets there as we killed him so both portals were left open and then we had One member go in mars/left and myself in venus/right just to look around and when we both were blind and ended up falling off a ledge after about 10 seconds it took us to the Score screen
2nd EDIT:
Honestly We were doing it on our lower level guys so we could get gear so it was a quick run
We didnt flawlessly open the spire we had what seemed like a lag spike of some sort (This was last night around 7:30 PST when Xboxone was having issues) So we figured it was because of the issues there.
Took the normal route from the first chest (Straight behind it not the one where you jump down and under neith)
5 manned the confluxes since our 6th was a random who thought he could jump from the top of the platforms right to the conflux....
We then wiped and killed the oracles from up top followed by a push of the templar off the edge (5 warlocks ftw)
Didnt grab the spirit bloom chest and continued down to the templar chest and gorgon chests, we made it flawlessly to the second one and almost to the jumping puzzle but was caught due to stupidity lol so it took us 2 times to get through the gorgons (Mind you the 2nd time was pretty quick)
Again, 5 out of 6 of us had no problem making it across the jumping puzzle (I believe we all did our own way, Some just gliding over as a warlock others using 1 or 2 platforms i think?)
We downed the gatekeeper first try but as the conflux finished forming we had a minotaur sacrifice at the last second so we were expunged but as the timer was counting down we all got loot so when we respawned we were on atheon
Downed atheon on the 2nd try and like I said I made a point of seeing that we came out of the left portal so I ran over to the right one and formed it JUST before we downed atheon. After that We explored for maybe 5-10 minutes before me and another member decided to go into a portal each. I personally ran all the way to the top after i had a quick look around where atheon spawns and looked towards the shining light in the distance as my screen went black. I tried to get closer and closer but i fell off the edge (as I couldnt see)
I did have radiance and It would not allow me to use it and about 5 seconds after each of us died It pulled us into that screen and it was at that point I kinda freaked out and put my tin foil hat back on lol
So like I said nothing super out of the ordinary, just I've personally never seen that screen before and I've personally never read anyone getting it before Its always the timer stops at zero untill you go back to orbit.
You can Press Back or select and see your last game results after returning to orbit.