I'd have to say that I'm allowed to carry a gun around without people flipping a tit.
EDIT: there is such thing as referring to North and South America as "America"
God you people are idiots.
I'm both american and British but to say Europe is crap compared to America is a stupid comment considering Europe is made up of loads if different country's each are different Like Greece in recession with no economy But Germany leading in engineering innovation So don't be an arrogant prick America land of the free yet spent most of its history enslaving other nations America yes has helped with both of the majors wars yet has started more wars then helped No medical care unless you can afford it And so what if you can carry a gun America has the highest death rate due to guns then all the European country's put together do you know how many people died in england each year from guns ??? Around 63 America yes a great country and I plan to move back to america but you are comparing one nation to hundreds and America isn't the greatest country