Bummer. I noticed I have a Light/Beware in my vault that has:
Hip Fire
Accelerated Coils / Perfect Balance
Would you think this to be a good one to upgrade for PvP, which perk set would be the best to use?
Or could I get better results with re-rolling Perun's Fire? If not, I might just keep Perun's Fire as PvE solar option.
So far in Iron Banner have been using my Purifier VII (only one with 300 attack i ahve right now) that I upgraded for Raid since it has Void Damage. It has Double Down and Grenadier which are not very useful for PvP and then has Perfect Balance available, which I noticed I have not even selected since I use Enhanced battery.
Yeah, that Light/BEWARE is pretty nice. Accelerated Coils Light/BEWARE is pretty deadly. Red Dot ORS adds a bit of Range, Hip Fire tightens the spread and Accelerated Coils maxes the charge rate. It's probably better to spend your motes on rerolling some of the other Iron Banner weapons or buying Exotic engrams... a good perk for PvE is Performance Bonus. With it, every enemy killed has a 25% chance to return 5 rounds to the reserve ammo. If you make sure you get a kill with every 1-2 rounds, that's basically infinite ammo unless you are unlucky. Since you need a Solar, I'd say buy a 2nd one and reroll it for Performance Bonus if you have some spare motes.
Thanks for the tips! I will try to farm enough glimmer to get two and try to re-roll a few times.
You can only reforge an IB weapon.
Light beware Anything with Grenadier in pve is great
I was thinking L/B for PvP. The Purifier VII is already awesome for PvE and has Grenadier + larger mag already.