So...these forums are often flooded with "that's OP" and "Those are so Cheap, you must be a noob!" "Nerf because..." Blah Blah Blah, you get the picture.
So guardians, what am I allowed to use?
Autos: The weapon of Noobs apparently, if I use even the worst of these I have no skill.
Pulses: The weapon of Idiots, this gets outclassed by everything apparently, and only a fool (like myself) would use them!
HCs: The toss up gun, if you use these it's cause they're too OP. Unless it's a garbage weapon, then your an idiot for using it. It's a lose lose.
Scouts: The accepted gun? After the latest buff, Scout's stopped being talked about. Am I allowed to use these? Or am I Trash for considering using these in an predominantly CQB Crucible?
No. You can't use any special weapon. You're a garbage player for considering any of the three. Especially Shotties and FRs. And also, especially Sniper Rifles. Other players can smell the garbage stank coming out of their TV's should anyone switch to a special weapon.
Don't use these either. They breed butthurt so fast, if you don't clench your sphincter nerf threads will ooze down your leg and into your pants.
Did I get that right Guardians? Or am I missing something? Also, which scout rifles are OP or are not worth using? Cause, it's the only gun I'll be using for the next 10 years and I want to make sure I accommodate everyone while also not being Trash.
Thanks for all your help!
Edit: It has come to my attention, that Ninjas may be lurking in my thread. Reply at your own risk.
Edit2: this thread looks like it's coming back from the dead! I'll start replying again if it keeps getting attention.
Edited by DirtyPwnage56: 11/22/2014 1:45:54 AMJust look at others and let them kill you
Screw what everyone thinks, sometimes I'm hot with my pulse rifle, sometimes the hand cannon, sometimes auto rifle, sometimes sniper. Point being, whatever gun is feeling good at the time, use it Unless it's a fusion rifle, in which case, GTFO
The hell with guns. I bring a ladder to ladder plex chumps like it's ECW 1995. Saaaaaabuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! *points to sky* eh...that's probably why I get a k/d ratio of .024 tho
Scouts are for men... Beast machines
Dude definitely don't use the almighty golden gun. Because it takes no skill to aim that thing.
play with whatever you want -blam!- the forum
Lol this is funny. He said if you use a special people can smell the tryhard stank through the TV LOL
If you talk to a Titan you're not supposed to use any weapons. Punch things. Punch all the things.
Edited by Zaxerx: 11/22/2014 2:24:23 AM[b]In a World... Of Online Gaming... Where people who are worse than you are Noobs and the people better are no-life Tryhards...[/b] [spoiler]get gud skrub[/spoiler]
You should use Vex. I heard it was nerfed to the dark below.
You can't pray to RNGsus that they get disconnected because that's op
Hardlight is an auto that takes skill. But if you are going the route of scout rifles, raid until you find "vision of confluence" and enjoy this beautiful scout rifle.
Do what you want whenever you want however you want. Isn't that the whole meaning of an RPG? Who gives shit what others think just play how you want if they don't like it. Who cares!?
you forgot about supers and grenades. Anybody who uses either of those is complete trash and should just save themselves the embarrassment of playing crucible.
I'll just leave this here
You forgot the grenades, hunters are the strongest cause they can't one shot anyone unless you are close enough place it on their forehead
Just use the throwing knife but not the flaming one that's too op
Dont use shotguns or blink of any kind. Then you will be ok in all of the honorable PvPers books.
Edited by lietenantdan: 11/22/2014 1:43:25 AMYou're allowed to use a squirt gun, and a wet noodle to melee with. that's it
Whatever you want man don't listen to people's bs
Shame tactics by Numb Nuts 101.
Shoulder charge and Fist of Havok. You can use those.
Snipers r op?!? U cannot even 3560480 no sc0pe anym0re the try hard camper 420 blazit clan rage use sh0tguns.
Anything you can kill me with is OP and everything I use should be buffed to the point that I'm good at this game. I paid for my game I deserve to win. I've earned it.
You can play with yourself, but always get permission before playing with others #LessonLearned