I love my red death! There's not many of us who use it, at least that I've seen. (Literally only one other I've noticed.) Relying on special is certainly what some people do. And if they change ammo drop rates, they're certainly will be people that need to adjust!
I guess each to his own. Red Death was my first exotic/legendary drop and I used it a lot for a while (PVE at least). But I feel Scout rifles are more to my liking and the RD just feels a little too underwhelming for me anymore. Never did try it for PVP though. (I don't PVP often.) Maybe it's more effective there?
And we are a rare breed. Lol one game I was busting this guys ass with the red death and he was using the suros then he swapped to his red death and I was still busting his ass. lol the suros babies a lot of players tho.
It sure can! I love seeing guardians just look at me thinking I was dead from a 2 v 1 and I suddenly have full health and shield! It makes for an excellent lead in to a double kill. :)
I literally only use my red death. Like ask anyone I play with. They'll say I run out of shot gun ammo cause I die and it takes special ammo away and then when I need my shotty I dint have bullets and I sit there hopeless lmao.