Darth Vader, nuff said
Precursors 'Nuff said.
What about the precursor, hmmm? Do you actually know anything about them? How, huh? Darth Vader force chokes the didact, master chief, and everyone else from the safety of his space dome bed. What can the precursor do?
Precursors* are unable to die. And neural physics makes them virtually impervious to the force.
You can't be impervious to the force. Sure the Jedi mind trick won't work, but you can't just be impervious to cosmic energy living and moving through and around everything in the universe. And Jedi can't die either, they just come back as force spirits.
Yuuzhan Vong are impervious to it.
that's because they live disconnected from the force. all living beings are connected to the force, but when the yuuzhan vong were separated from the sentient planet Yuuzhan'tar they were stripped of the force. other than that the only other way to protect yourself from the force is to shield yourself with the. . . the force.
Neural Physics.
Precursors are T0. They have transcended to slipspace with their technology. They made the Flood and large space bridges that could be crossed instantly.
Darth maul
Dearth Maul would lose against a toaster.
I feel like we are the only two on this thread right now. Also, you're right. The toaster would not waste its time on him. It would destroy the entire universe by sucking it in and turning it a delicious golden brown.
Darth Maul light sabers both
Toaster makes saving throw. Rolls a 20!
Maul rolls a 21
Toaster found a basket for the twenty and found a die. Rolled another 20!
Maul rolls kitten blasters
Toaster is immune to kitten blasters.
Nothing is they fire many halo rings
Toaster is immune to the Flood, so it is immune to Halo rings.
Maul flies away. Nuke drops on toaster
Toaster takes in nuke, toasts it, and shoots it back at Maul.
Right when it starts toasting the uranium got unstable and blew up
Toaster survived by eating an Oran berry.