every game changes from what's shown at e3.. watchdogs , assassins creed (all of them).. if people were "mislead" they've seen the terrible acting during destiny's e3 showing. people act like destiny is first game to "lie" about what was said.. talking about they're "true gamers".. I love destiny and I'll continue to enjoy it.
Im glad u like doing the same few strikes over and over and over. For some of us this is boring and disappointing. This was supposes to be vast and epic. Make your own unique guardian, get lost in the world and story. There is none of that. Just kill sepiks prime and phogoth 300 times til you cant take it anymore. Even being as tedious and lacking as it is, it still turned out okay, so thats saying something, but i dont know how people can say they love it and its great and defend it likes its their wife. And im not just talking about e3. I read articles featuring the destiy tean where they told us everything and how it was going to be everything it isnt. None of it even makes sense. There is no point to the gunsmith, there is no point in ever buying engrams from the cryptarc, there is nothing to spend glimmer on besides ammo synthesis, we all have piles of weapon parts we have nothing to do with. its insane. This gane does not seem thought out at all and many of us are extremely disappointed.