originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Looking for east coast players to set up a raid. I've never done it and can only play from 7:30 til 11ish most nights. I have a level 28 titan and 27 hunter. I run with a few high level guys also interested. Let me know and I'll add anyone who can help or who also wants a shot. We also run the weekly's on level 28 with no real issues.
You can add me. I'm on during those times as well. Just send me a message when you want pull a team together. 2 - lvl 30 locks Currently working on a Titan
I'm on around the same time, and recognize a lot of the names in this thread (lol). I'm usually up for another Chatterwhite - HAHA. GT is the same as ID here. Add me!
GT Ronin7six2 29 titan and 26 warlock Most of my stuff maxed the other stuff just need shards and energies. Gone thru vog a couple times just don't have enough teammates. Work for concrete company so I'm all but laid off for winter so I'm on whenever I have time pretty much.
Hey I'm and Easy coast guy also my GT is same as user. I have a 29 hunter and 27 lock, I also play with a group of 4 friends all 29 and 30s. I'd love for any of the east coast people on this post to add me. Much better grabbing a friend then trying to find people on the forum.
Hey CallM3Doctor- Fall3nDevils in recruiting. XboxOne. 100+ members currently and growing. We focus on raids, daily and weekly missions, nightfall, etc. We have raid groups daily around the time that you would be on! Most members are experienced in the vault, and we are grouping together constantly to do all the other missions. Most members are on daily, and there is almost always someone from the clan online. Only requirements to join are: Please have at least one character level 20+, have a mic, and try to be online at least twice a week.I'm usually on after 430 pm est daily. Click on this link to check us out: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/403522 if you like what you see go ahead and request join, then click on "set as xbox clan" to get the tag in-game. Add my GT: DESTROYER7456 and send me a friend request or a message in game or online (clan page) and I will set you up with a raid group!
I'm east coast. I have 2 people. I have a 30 titan and a 27 hunter. My better half has a 29 warlock msg gt J0 J0 360
26 Hunter (secondary Character) Atheon Checkpoint Normal Very experienced (10 times!) Inv Arizonian323 Maxed out Vision of Confluence, The Cure, Praedyths Revenge. I have other weapons Very close to max.
Level 29 hunter gt zoomzomdriver
On now need help at gatekeeper checkpoint
Im eastcoast and play randomly from 8am til about midnight experienced in raid and all things destiny related
Need 1 more for normal raid message me ingame
Count me in. I run with a buddy in DoD Arc and one in Wizard all the time. All level 29s (hunter, titan, warlock). We have only done parts of the raid till now. Would like to do the whole thing through as well. GT - Hurricane G88
Edited by RenTheRogue: 11/24/2014 6:26:26 PM
Started a new topic: Looking for a fireteam, people to raid with(3 Replies))
I've got 3 guys who haven't done the raid either because of work, children, ect. I've watched a few walkthroughs on YouTube to get good ideas for all of the checkpoints, also memorized the relic controls and how to use it properly. I'm a level 29 warlock/level 29 Hunter. My two buddies are level 28s, Hunter and Titan. We're competent players and run the nightfalls with no problem. If you want to raid with us some night message gamertag Thrillhouse2484.
i am a level 28 hunter with atheon checkkpoint, i have done the raid about 23 times and need to beat it on hard with my hunter
Have 3 here ready for normal raid lvl 30 warlock included. Message gt kenyx13 on xboxlive
Have 3 all solid for raid LvL 29. We have maxed ice breakers and I have maxed GALLAHORN. Send invite to BROIDRAGE Xbox 1
Edited by xXMr SkinXx: 11/24/2014 1:25:02 AMLvl 29 hunter always looking to raid. Just add, gt same as name
I've played through the raid about 4 times, willing to help anyone. However... I have family in town till next weekend so I won't be able to play till then :/
lvl 28 titan looking for VOG, first time GT: TheKindlyOnesNY add me!
Level 30 looking to do fresh raid. Have a 25 with me need to carry him through. Message MAXSTARRR
Done some of the raid... begining ... middle... end ... at different times always looking for guys to do the weeklies or nightfalls... three toons ..29 titan 28 hunter 27 warlock... add me GR8TGMAN....
Warlock 29 fresh start VOG Normal ready to go : solidusfunk
We got 2 atheon cp lv 29 and lv27 gt is the same send message for invite
Need one for vog normal fresh start
Lvl 30 hunter trying to do the raid on hard inv iproxiimity x