I just like logic, if the Hive are a race then why would there most powerful warrior look diferrent than the rest. The Knights are the most powerful of the Hive so it's stands to reason that Crota will be a big ass knight with a sword. What were people expecting? That is how I imagine him all alone. How did you imagine him?
Why does phogoth look different, wizards, thralls, acolites!? That logic enough for ya?
They're sub clases the knight being the strongest hence Crota looking like he does. It's not rocket science but you know what, you don't have to buy TDB if you hate the design of damn Crota so much. Problem solved!!!
Subclass whatever...yet phogoth is a boss...so are the witches but yet they are bosses...they are all different but yet the same race....bungie took the shortcut and couldn't come up with anything different so they just changed the weapon...a real cheap and pathetic way to mask "new dlc" for their customers and fans to buy... If you like getting duped I'm happy for you. There are a lot of people like me that don't appreciate being duped into buying content that we've ALREADY bought.
LOL that's just my opinon you don't like it keep on trucking jesus how old are you? Nothing better to do? Don't like what Bungie is serving go somewhere else like COD I don't know go help old ladies cross the street. They're more important things in life kid!!!
Now, it's just your opinion...because your logic doesn't make any sense...go troll elsewhere if you can't keep up with the conversation [spoiler]Duh![/spoiler]
LOL go f¥ck yourself squirt!!
Now who's laughing!?