I've already beat Oryx. Wasn't the baddest boss in the game. You fight him for the last part of the Thorn bounty.
Dregden yor is the guy you beat for thorn bounty. He was a human hunter, owner of that hand cannon, that gave up mortality and gave in to the darkness to become the wizard you had to kill. Grimoire card read for the win
Thats not Oryx. Oryx is the Hives' god or something.
Then why was his name Oryx?
Well I just finished the thorn bounty, and saw no enemy named Oryx. Only Phogoth and that wizard you had to kill. The name escapes me, but it wasn't Oryx
My bad. His name is Xyor.
Ah yes thats right!
Apparently I'm dyslexic. Lol
Pretty sure it is.