originally posted in:Casual Gamerz
Hi, I'm new around.
Been playing Destiny solo so far... but I think it will be much more fun with some friends and some more organized fireteams (random teams are sort of annoying sometimes...)
PSN Name: xX_M-UND-M_Xx
Time zone: UTC-6
Looking forward to meet you guys in game!
Add me KILLER-X850 titan lvl 29
Lvl 28 titan add for raids n weekly heroics any lvl add Neosfire
Add troubled_shot. I'm new to the group but I've been looking for some people to group with as well. I have a lvl 16 titan. Looking more for pve but I do enjoy a good pvp match. Thanks.
Once I turn on my ps4 I'll add you. I'm looking for a good PvP fireteam
I'm in the same boat. Solo up to 29 and now I need raid gear. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
I'm in the same boat. I picked up a PS4 and destiny last weekend and already hit 20 - almost 21. My problem is that i'm coming from WoW and could really use some direction/communication when it comes to strikes. So I'm looking for some vocal people to help show me some strategies and just have a fun time downing some bosses. My PSN id is bemusedchunk and i'm on the east coast.
I get a few hours in during the week, Sat morning and night after 9:00 and Sunday most time. Lvl 26 Hunter and Lvl 15 Warlock. I don't play PVP but love the Strikes. US ET - Oblivion4300 w/ mic.