Can't we all just get a bong. It would make people a lot more chill
So I should contact the high command of Bungie about the joint ops?
Only if weed be able to get enough to share!
We would have to work together...maybe a joint op?
That would work! Now, to write a simple, blunt letter to Bungie, requesting the creation off shared OPs.
That would bowl me over
#Hilarious. (See it?)
No I don't? All the weed jokes have clouded my capacity to think
Hahahahaha, how about now... (Hash)tag Hilarious. :D
Haha I guess that just blazed over my head
In your defense, it was really high above your head.
Damn I'm running out of puns...I guess we just burned through them
Well, when you spit pun swag at 420 words per minute like we do, ya tend to run out quick.