originally posted in:Xbox One
We strive to be the best PS3 Clan around with a fresh start and the right members you can go from ground to glory in a matter of days currently we our members consist of US Players so we dont have members on all the time but you can change that. I am always playing Destiny once i take care of real life things and can help anyone just add me PSN is Elomie. Annihilation Corperations goal is to reach all of our members to 20, our schedule is listed below.
Monday:Daily Heroic Story (20)
Tuesday:Daily Heroic Story (24)
Wednesday:Daily Heroic Story (28)
Thursday:Vanguard Playlist (18-24)
Friday:Weekly Nightfall Strike (28)
Saturday:VoG (26-30)
Sunday:Noob Night (Help lower level clan members do the story line)
Why the -blam!- would you do nightfall on friday than you miss the bonus for 3 days
Thanks for your response we have actually already changed our schedule since this post we do the daily and weekly strike Monday then the whole on Tuesday for the reset we do the Vanguard playlist the weekly and daily strike and Wednesday the weekly Nightfall and Thursday thru Sunday is free