Guys, pls (honestly) rate ma Sweg out of 10.
IMO it's a 10/10.
The shader with the Raid gear = boss.
The shader with the cloak = godly
If you haven't given me 10/10, I appreciate your feedback on how you think I can reach that.
Thanks pls
[spoiler]dat wolf cloak doe[/spoiler]
Check out my hunter. Now that's a bad ass looking hunter bro. And the app doesn't even do thunder devil justice.
You hunters are so lucky for having the only noticeable class item. Even legendary warlocks bonds aren't noticeable unless they're shiny, have lightning or on fire lol the dead orbit one you can't even see yet dead orbit class items for other classes are bad ass
Nice gear, child, now go get some Dead Orbit swag like a big boy. 3/10 tops.
Why does it matter what others think? Are you really that starved for attention that you need to to ask a bunch of strangers to rate a jumble of pixels on a screen? And for God's sake, spelling and grammar. I'm seeing this trend on the forums of people just butchering the English language, stay in school kids.
Edited by bopbarker: 11/23/2014 3:47:48 PM-99/10 for thinking you're bad ass wearing the most commonly dropped shader on the most shitty looking raid armor.
Why do people keep doing this? Everyone has these shaders now.
I rate 3.33 out of 10 because you only have 1 level 30 character ;)
Edited by DoctorZeuss77: 11/23/2014 3:16:30 PMYour character looks very similar to mine, but the way you phrased this entire post compelled me to give you the lowest rating possible.
Edited by Shisny: 11/23/2014 3:14:08 PMAll I needed to cast my vote was to read the title 0/10
I r8 8/8 m8 I hope you appreci8 m8
Low score for poor use of English.
Edited by Uncha1n3dSky: 11/23/2014 2:04:55 PM0/10... Were gamers so don't ruin it by bringing stupidity in here... And really "ma sweg" Go back to school...
I can only read like every other word, so I'll give you a 3.
10/10 4 ur sweg
Eh..the shader could be better. I've gotten that one so many times' that if it were food I could feed Africa. Now..if you had one of the faction shaders then we'd have a different story.
10/10 because you're Zlatan and i trust you
Just like every other level 30 hunter
Sorry man, bet it looks great in-game but those 3D renders are pretty ugly. Upload a screenshot for higher rating?
Get the crest of Alpha Lupi, it'll go much better with the wolf cloak.
Edited by pollodiablo82: 11/23/2014 1:50:31 PMSweg? Isnt that like wanting to be a bieber? Style and class is for grownups sweg/swag is juvenile style 1/10
What the hell is Sweg?
What system are you on cause I have a level 11 warlock if you are on the ps4
i give you a -10/10 because you said [quote] rate ma Sweg[/quote] and i think your queer
wolf cloak = best cloak in game
8/8 M8