So as the title states, I wanna put together a good crucible team. I play a lot of crucible but I mostly play it by myself because my friends don´t really like pvp as much as I do. My main issue with playing alone is that I always seem to get matched up with not so experienced pvp players. I can certainly carry my own weight but it´s not easy to pull off a win when you have to compensate for four of your team mates that are going negative.
I´m mainly looking for European players since playing on an american host is extremely laggy for me.
If you want to know what my crucible stats are then you can check them out here.§ion=none
If you want to team up then just leave a comment or send me a message on PSN
PSN ID: Wezyfbaby718
This comment is addressed to ANYONE in this forum feed who is looking to dominate the Crucible. DarkLight Contingency is a new clan forming from the ashes of a former clan that fell apart some time ago. We are looking for dedicated members that are looking to build a reputation not only for their clan, but for themselves as well. Please take a look at our mission statement if you are interested and serious about competing in the Crucible. REMINDER: DarkLight Contingency is a NEW anyone joining right now will be a crutial part in recruiting and building this team. All that we ask is that you stick with us in these early stages of development.