Or you could stop playing if it sucks so much balls instead of bitching about it - ____ -
Also when you get a 30, then you can talk. Until then my 2 30s and 29 trump your 29 so stfu
I just hope you know that you're not good just cause you have 2 lvl 30s and a 29 (or at least better than me). It just means you played longer and or tried harder. The only difference between me and you is that I do t complain about the game because I have terrible connection. Btw I don't lag that much and my servers are fine
Having a level 30 or two doesn't give you any special right to dismiss the opinions of others who don't because either (a) they haven't played long enough to (often because they have jobs or other "real world" responsibilities) or (b) because RNG hasn't been as kind to them. You should probably get off your high horse
I'm only on my high horse when I'm getting attacked by a hole noobs
Rng pls months of options plus vendors = using your brain to get to 30.
So stop playing because THE SERVERS SUCK. where did I say the game play sucks? Gtfoh. Idiot. I simply want them to fix theor shit that I spent my money on. Sorry to ask for what's right lol.