Greetings Guardians! [url=]PRAESIDIA EX LUCE[/url] is an established and successful clan, looking to recruit new adult members interested in endgame content, being active in clan events, and the group forums.
We are a casual clan, in that we accept members of all skill levels. Whether you are focused on PvE, PvP, or a little of both, you are welcome in [PexL]. We're not concerned with your stats. We're just looking for those who want to enjoy endgame content, in a fun, relaxed, and respectful atmosphere, with their new found friends and clanmates.
We're also looking for those who want to be a part of our community and active with their clanmates. We run multiple raids weekly, with signups for those wanting to take part. We also enjoy taking guardians on their inaugural raids, helping to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to have the Nightfall and Weekly Strikes completed shortly after the reset, and organizing groups for special events.
Our goal is to have a group where no one feels lost in the crowd, but with enough depth in our ranks that you never have to struggle to organize a fireteam. Where missions are accomplished through teamwork and communication, and no one has to worry where they fall on the scoreboard, as long as they contribute. Sure, we all want to measure ourselves against our peers, but we believe that it should never be at the sacrifice of having fun with friends and the love of the game.
All we ask is for you to participate within the clan at whatever level works best for you, have a PS4, be able to communicate with your fire team (please have access to a mic and English is a must), and be respectful of your clanmates and others.
If PRAESIDIA EX LUCE sounds like the right fit for you, [url=]JOIN US[/url] and become a Protector of the Light!