To start off I will be picking up Far Cry 4 once I'm finished with Dragon Age Inquisition but the fact that I would rather spend my time doing multiple play throughs than pick up a "brand new" game does say something about Ubisoft.
[u]The Weapons[/u]
When it comes to guns I am an absolute gun nut. I love seeing new types of weapons especially new assault rifles that haven't been featured in games before it and I even go so far as to enjoy different variants of the same (Like a Daniel Defense M4V1 compared to a standard Colt M4A1). Now imagine my distaste when I looked at the weapons list. 90% of the weapons were in Far Cry 3 and 100% of the assault rifles were in Far Cry 3 with almost no difference in the gun models. And even the signature weapons like the Bushman have returned. Seriously Ubisoft? Hell the AK-47 and the Goblin(P416 in Far Cry 3/4) in Watch Dogs have the exact same models as in Far Cry! Did you decide to annualize your weapon models because it would have cost more to make new weapon models?
[u]The Gameplay[/u]
It's the same as Far Cry 3. Everything down to character speed, weapon swap animations, sprint animations, and climbing animations. Trying to save money again Ubisoft? Lord knows that you need it after all the money you bring in off of Assassins Creed every year in fact you even gave us two this year.
[u]The Story[/u]
Now I haven't experienced the story but just like Far Cry 3 the back drop makes absolutely no sense and your main character isn't even remotely believable. How does this man know how to ride, elephants fly helicopters and perfectly control a wingsuit?
[u]The Crafting system[/u]
You didn't listen to any criticism over your crafting system that's essentially padding. Why do I have to kill 8 animals to increase the amount of cash I can hold? It's a stupid mechanic that hurts the game that I hated in Far Cry 3 because of how excessive it got and it's excessive in this game as well from just what I looked at.
tl;dr: Far Cry 4 is the quality of a game that I expect from something that has been annualized because the game has already given off an annualized feel from just research alone but this game was released two years after Far Cry 3.
[spoiler]EndersWolf1013 I swear if you necro this once it's dead.....[/spoiler]
I enjoyed FC3, but then again I was stoned for the entire story after the magic mushroom mission. It made me wanna play the rest of the game on drugs and boy it did not disappoint. But that's just me.
AC III showed me that. I stopped buying Ubisoft games since then.
Actually, AC Unity is proof Ubisoft got lazy.
Far Cry 2 was the best. /thread.
Ubisoft also make ass creed. I've learnt not to expect and diversity from them
Good thing i didnt play far cry 3, coz FC4 is off tap
[quote] [u]The Story[/u] Now I haven't experienced the story but just like Far Cry 3 the back drop makes absolutely no sense and your main character isn't even remotely believable. How does this man know how to ride, [b]elephants fly helicopters[/b] and perfectly control a wing suit?[/quote] I like that typo. I'd like it even more if it wasn't.
I'm just waiting for Blood Dragon 2.
Ubisoft: "Wanna climb towers to reveal a bunch of the map? Boy do we have games for you..."
I have a bad feeling about far cry 4. Far cry 3 got boring real fast. Fear that far cry 4 isnt much different.
I am enjoying FC4. However, I do agree, it is the same as the previous title. Not enough innovation or new stuff. I do like the story so far and the characters are interesting. I bought all the treasure maps and think that the game is just too casual to have any real fun with. Every loot box, letter and point of interest is marked and all you have to do is follow your waypoint to it.
People complain when games switch up too much and complain when not enough is switched up.
It's an awesome game! I'm having a ton of fun. Never played FC3
Got them both for pc, too bad far cry isnt 1920x1080 on xbone
It looks good
That's why I play Tt games (Lego). [spoiler]Arguably, Lego games have the same mechanics every year, but for some reason I still love those games.[/spoiler]
Don't mess with success? Far Cry 3 was amazing. The weapons, combat, and map were all incredibly well done. The engine for the game is one of the best shooter engines currently out there, so I don't see the need to change it? What they did is take that great engine and put it to a new story in a brand new environment that is both massive and fun to explore. They also added verticality to it. You really feel a sense of vertigo climbing mountains and the idea of exploring the mountain peaks of the Himalayas is awesome. Say what you will about the shortcomings of watchdogs and assassins creed unity, but I feel like ubisoft got a lot right in FarCry 4.
I like it. Sure its just like 3 with some tweaks but its entertaining. I would like them to tweak the animals though. I really don't like shooting a wolf with 10 shots of a high powered gun only to have it still run me down. That kills it for me
Maybe. Never played 3. But 4 is amazing. /thread
Ubisoft continue to release casual friendly games, can't remember any title that was difficult in the last few years.
Far cry 3 was a hell of a lot of fun and though there isn't much new to animations and guns, it's still even more fun to play than the 3rd one. Me and my buddies are playin the hell out of t!
Ubisoft has gone downhill in recent years. Something tells me EA will be better soon.
Everyone is telling me I'm missing the best one of the series and then I read this... The people telling me to get it also tell me to get every game that gets released and every game that gets released is the best. Time to go watch some reviews.
I -blam!-ING......[b]BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL 2...[/b] Ubisoft has really gone down hill. I mean I thought they were shit tier with AC: Revelations, but it really made me sad to see FC4 was going to be on all systems and made in 2 years. Not to mention the dumbest looking cover art I've seen in a long time. This shit isn't Saints Row.
Its a repackaged far cry 3, fun still and a good game, just the same thing redone, I think all gaming companies have become lazy because all the games being released don't have that new feel that they should, like GTA V I'm taking that back to GameStop today because the graphics weren't THAT much better and its the same crap I played the hell out of a year ago. I think my gaming days are coming to an end.