Hi, Bungie.
I'd like to echo others in the community, and share my experience with network issues.
Since the 10.31 update, I've been encountering countless network errors (Caterpillar, Hawk, Centipede, Cattle, Hare, Rabbit, etc., and XBOX Love disconnects) every time I play Destiny. Following instructions on Bungie help pages, I set up a static IP address for my XBOX, port forwarding for all XBOX Live ports, and port forwarding for all Destiny-specific ports. I'm still encountering issues, to the point where the game is basically unplayable. It seems the issues are all Destiny-specific, as other Live enabled games work fine. Also worth noting, it seems PVP works better than PVE.
I'm using an XBOX 360 console, with Comcast as my service provider, and I live in South Carolina. Are there any known issues with Comcast in the area? Is there anything I can try that I did not list above? Are there any assurances Bungie can provide that these issues are being researched and fixed?
I love the game, the Reddit community that plays it, and most others I encounter in the Destiny world. I'd love to continue to play, but am having trouble doing so at this point. I'm excited for The Dark Below DLC, and plan to purchase if the game becomes usable again for me!
Thanks so much, and I hope for a resolution soon!
Bungie won't admit that they don't know what they're doing. Same story for me. Worse every update