I've only managed to pick up a Timur's Lash so far, re-rolled once and this is the outcome;
Steadyhand IS
Sureshot IS
Quickdraw IS
Perfect Balance
Explosive Rounds
Luck In The Chamber
Do you think this is good enough to use in PVE and PVP? I play more PVE if i'm honest, so i was wondering how effective Explosive Rounds actually is?
Explosive Rounds suck. Firefly is the only good explosive perk. Your explosive rounds cut your crit damage by a lot. Just using example numbers here: If you normally body shot for 200 damage without explosive rounds, you will instead body shot for 100 damage with explosive rounds. The explosion will give you the extra 100 damage you would have had (it looks like two numbers when you hit). When you crit, you still only do 100 explosive damage, but only your non-explosive damage crits. So WITH explosive rounds you crit for 200, explosive for 100. Without explosive rounds you crit for 400, netting 100 extra damage.
That's damn near perfect imo, you have the perk for a faster reload, stability perk and luck and the chamber. That's damn good imo