originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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Hey Guys,
One of the things that is kill us from beating atheon on hard is the minotaur health Glitch.
What are some ways to make sure it doesn't happen?
I was reading that people were saying its a bad connection between the host and the server. Forgive my arrogance, but is the raid hosted by one xbox/ps4, and everyone joins that persons? Who is the host? Or are we all connecting to the server?
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
currently, when we go to venus, we have the non-relic fire a rocket at the minotaur. That does seem to help.
When I do it with my buddies we normally have the people not holding the relic throw a grenade(s) and perhaps a rocket (if someone has the galahorn). Normally when I run it I'm with my Titan so I switch to the area of effect grenades for that part because that makes him blind for a moment and really helps out. The trick is that you only get 5-10 seconds before the first oracle pops, and when you're doing it on Hard every second counts when you're taking down the oracles.