originally posted in:Prime Elite
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Hey guys, so it has been brought to my attention that a lot of people can't get in on the raids because most of them happen in the afternoons or evenings. Many people have work afternoon and night jobs and have only the morning usually to run raids. So I would like to do is set up morning raid groups. Everyone is welcome, new comers and veterans of the vault. The only requirements that there are is that you must be patient, courteous and be able to communicate with the team. Level requirements will depend on who signs up. 26/27 is an ideal minimum for the normal raid however. Please also try to have roughly 2 hours available to go through. It shouldn't normally take this long, but with newer people who are still learning the ropes, it can take a little while. On the days that I'm available, I'll run teams thru and teach everyone whatever they need to know. I plan on keeping this thread updated and picking people up on a weekly basis, or setting you guys up with someone else who is able to lead depending on how much traction it gets. So please in this thread post your,
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Availability(specify your time zone please)
Friday all day. Pst
bump :)