29 titan. 28 Warlock and 16 hunter
360 KroniK1332
Need help today getting my hunter raid ready before tommorrow and I'll help anyone who helps do the raid and nightfall even if I've already done it. So help me out then I'll help you out. I'm on almost everyday would like an active fireteam that has mics
CombatStickman is the gamer tag. I'm always down and willing to help. Typically on after 2pm on the weekdays (central) and weekends are whenever.
Add me xbox360 rednexican59 lvl 30 titan and another lvl 30 titan. And I'm not squeeker. I'm 20. Have mic also. Usually on after 4 on weekdays pacific time
Psn: EGHOST22 ( ps4 Level 20 Titan On every day mic yes. Add me
360 bro
Damn -_-