[b]If you want to know how to participate, please read the FULL details below.[/b]
Hey everyone, I am looking to help out new raiders or people who are having trouble finding groups. I'm tired of people not accepting others for the following:
1. Being too young.
2. Being under level 28 for normal, 29 for hard, etc.
3. Never having done the raid.
Here's the deal. I am looking for people who have never done the raid or people who have been denied into the raid because they are under 28. If you are at least 26 (for normal VOG) or 29 (for hard VOG, normal CE, etc.), preferably have a mic, and are willing to take directions, I am looking to help out. This is more of a training thing, so if you are just looking for another completion, try finding one of the other groups. This is to teach proper raid techniques (no pushing off bosses or using class exploits) to newer players or people who just want to get a different perspective on how to do the raid.
On top of running full tutorial raids, I also run specialized technique training. This includes sessions that specifically let you practice with all raid relics, soloing portals in VOG, handling inside/outside of portals on Atheon, successfully running lanterns on CE, etc. These will vary as they come up, but details will always be provided and instructors will demonstrate before you do it so you can see it being done. These will be in a calm environment with the sole purpose of letting you become comfortable with the more specialized "positions" in the raids.
Anytime I do a tutorial raid or specialized practice session, I will first invite anyone who sent me a message on Xbox Live (GT: Shwartznwalder). I am not always available, so it's best to send me a message on XBL. I'll reply letting you know I got the message and that I will save your message to invite you next time I'm doing a session. I will then make a post on this thread stating what type of session I will be doing after I send invites out to all people who message me on XBL, and anyone who sees it that meets the qualifications from earlier in this thread can join. It will be a first come first serve, but I generally do several in a row, so it's usually just a matter of waiting a little while to get in on the next one.
If you don't need a tutorial raid, but like the idea of what we're doing (I normally pull in a helper or two, usually people I met from this very thread), leave a message on this thread and a like. Keeping it at the top will help other players who need it find it.
Anybody on ps4 I'm willing to help with anything when I have time. But only after I get the things done that I need to do myself.
360 Crotas end looking to do fresh just not do crota the last part I'm a 29 warlock message me on live
I would love to run it after the reset. The only part I have done so far is Crota himself, and I want some raid gear.
I swear, Destiny has one of the most toxic game communities around but diamonds in the rough like this make me proud to be a Guardian.
Hi, I'm on 360 as well and I'd like to enrol in your academy. I've completed the vault of glass on normal enough to know my way around and I've only [b]heard[/b] what I'm supposed to do in Crota's end. I can help out on VoG when it comes to teaching. Oh and my GT is: c3rb3rus31
Edited by Raider TCK: 12/22/2014 1:21:36 AMOn Monday night. 8pm uk time (gmt 0) I will be running some people through the vault of glass. It should only take 40 minutes tops. I will also be doing the raiding party achievement (finish a raid with all clan members) Post here and I will open a clan and we can get this achievement. Please be level 26+ and have a mic. I am happy to take inexperienced players through.
Have 2 for Crotas End raid. Have Deathsinger CP or looking for Crota CP. Willing to do legit or cheese him, doesnt matter to us. If we are going to do it legit, must have some experiance beating crota. My friend has the G-horn and we both know 2 or the stratagies if we were to do it legit. PLEASE HELP US!! If interested message FS Arcanine on xbox
I want to do CE or VoG on hard. I'm a good gamer, just don't always have time to raid. Cheers on the service you guys are doing
Looking for VoG/CE experience. One completion on VoG, no experience in CE. GT above.
Have 2 for Crotas End raid. Have Deathsinger CP or looking for Crota CP. Willing to do legit or cheese him, doesnt matter to us. If we are going to do it legit, must have some experiance beating crota. My friend has the G-horn and we both know 2 or the stratagies if we were to do it legit. PLEASE HELP US!! If interested message FS Arcanine on xbox
Edited by kieranto: 12/20/2014 8:39:16 AMLvl 30 warlock looking to do Crotas end for the first time gt above
How about people with no mics? Mine is screwed up so I can talk but I can't hear anything which made raids and finding groups tough. I bet half the stuff I said came out as gibberish.
Vault of Glass Hard from the start. Need 4 30s with Experience. Message me and I'll invite.
Sucks to be them
Lvl 30 Hunter looking for first time VoG
Need one more for hard raid fresh We already got a Lvl 31/31/30/30 Send me gt for invite
Can you guys help me with crotas end? I'm a 30 warlock and wanna do it bad. If you could, message or invite me. Thanks
Need help beating the Crota at the end of the raid because my team never knows what their doing. I tried explaining through youtube videos and they dont understand how the whole thing works and i've never had a team to beat it with so if someone could help me out with an experienced team id be very grateful and i'd help with anything you would need in advanced
Hey everyone! Doing a Crota raid and looking to help out a team. If you are new and need to learn or just need an extra guy/relic holder send me a message on Xbox Live. First come first serve
29 Titan LF Crota end
Does somebody needs help with the vault of glass? I can help, lvl 31 titan. Need to eat first though :p (en ik ben nederlands) Leave gamertag
I may not be able to assist in game but I know both raids pretty well now, I may offer advice or tips on either raids. Just shoot me a message on here and I'll see what I can do.
Still haven't finished VoG or attempted Crotas end. Lvl 29 lock with mic
Edited by WitchyTrain: 12/18/2014 3:58:24 PMI need a group for level 26 VoG I've never done it before and I'm level 29 no mic Gt same as name invite me
Edited by BossWarchild: 12/17/2014 5:17:43 AMhahah SHWARTZ! You, me and Myth raided a few times! You're all over the damn place man! Edit: Btw, good stuff you're doing here man. You helped Myth and I get through the VoG for the first time when we were stuck on Atheon way back. It is definitely appreciated!
Might be interested in lending a hand with this, specifically VoG. Just have a few questions though: Would we be able to set a few requirements for someone to join us ie maxed rares for normal vog, etc? How many would we take into our fireteam? Would we report back or anything of that sort?