[b]If you want to know how to participate, please read the FULL details below.[/b]
Hey everyone, I am looking to help out new raiders or people who are having trouble finding groups. I'm tired of people not accepting others for the following:
1. Being too young.
2. Being under level 28 for normal, 29 for hard, etc.
3. Never having done the raid.
Here's the deal. I am looking for people who have never done the raid or people who have been denied into the raid because they are under 28. If you are at least 26 (for normal VOG) or 29 (for hard VOG, normal CE, etc.), preferably have a mic, and are willing to take directions, I am looking to help out. This is more of a training thing, so if you are just looking for another completion, try finding one of the other groups. This is to teach proper raid techniques (no pushing off bosses or using class exploits) to newer players or people who just want to get a different perspective on how to do the raid.
On top of running full tutorial raids, I also run specialized technique training. This includes sessions that specifically let you practice with all raid relics, soloing portals in VOG, handling inside/outside of portals on Atheon, successfully running lanterns on CE, etc. These will vary as they come up, but details will always be provided and instructors will demonstrate before you do it so you can see it being done. These will be in a calm environment with the sole purpose of letting you become comfortable with the more specialized "positions" in the raids.
Anytime I do a tutorial raid or specialized practice session, I will first invite anyone who sent me a message on Xbox Live (GT: Shwartznwalder). I am not always available, so it's best to send me a message on XBL. I'll reply letting you know I got the message and that I will save your message to invite you next time I'm doing a session. I will then make a post on this thread stating what type of session I will be doing after I send invites out to all people who message me on XBL, and anyone who sees it that meets the qualifications from earlier in this thread can join. It will be a first come first serve, but I generally do several in a row, so it's usually just a matter of waiting a little while to get in on the next one.
If you don't need a tutorial raid, but like the idea of what we're doing (I normally pull in a helper or two, usually people I met from this very thread), leave a message on this thread and a like. Keeping it at the top will help other players who need it find it.
I'll be on later today after work. Lvl 26 hunter. Gt is Nova631.
Anybody around tomorrow morning to take me through a hard raid? 29 hunter with epilouge maxed
Doing the normal raid in about 30 minutes (9:00 EST). I'm a semi-noob, but I'll have at least one guy with a lot of experience helping. Who's interested? May need 2-4 people. Message ASAP.
Need someone to help at templar cp hard raid pls. Gt same as name.
Anyone teaching any raids tonight??
Edited by Neonface: 12/7/2014 4:40:39 PMI'm a 27 warlock, never done the vault but would like to learn, have a mic but be warned im relatively young gt same as above i anyone is willing to bring me through it would be greatly appreciated I have a large window where I can play right now so if I could join one soon tht would be awesome
Very raid inexperienced and i would like to learn it properly so i can help others too. Same gt, 30 titan with mic and a keenness to learn. Uk time 4pm onwards most days
I'm looking to join a hard mode raid prefer to start at Atheon cp level 30 warlock gamer tag is same as shown
Can you guys take me on a hard raid right now? I'm a level 29 warlock. I've done the raid on normal but just not hard yet. Let me know and thanks!
I'd be down to volunteer as a raid Sherpa too. I'm on 360 I have a bunch of raid experience and my username is the same as my handle. Just send me a msg whenever I'm on and I'll do what I can.
Alright guys and gals, time for one last hard raid before I'm done for today. Send me a message on XBL for an invite!
Shwartznwalder is LEGIT. Just got through the hard raid with him and got the Vex Mythoclast! He's a great teacher for those who haven't done the raid, and even to those like me who have. Bump, thanks Shwartz
SHWARTZNWALDER is a very smart player and leader. He is doing a great service to the destiny community. Lest we forget there are still secrets to unlock in the Vault of Glass. We need more capable raiders to figure it out. Crota's End may very well be the same thing. The more battle ready the youngest and inexperienced of the raiders are the better we can be as a community.
Hey my gamertag is gardenserenity if you guys need help with your mission to help other players i have a 30 warlock and a 28 hunter and i would be happy to help
Xbox one Rivals of Crota Raid clan This is a beginning raid group, fell free to join if you are an experienced raider, but this is a group mainly for people who haven't raided before. And this group will so strongly focus on the dark below raid, Crotas end. I will accept anyone level 27+ it would be nice to have experienced raiders so they can help us find everything in the raid.
Edited by DrollLeprechaun: 12/7/2014 2:09:42 AMDrollleprechaun here on 360 I've done it, but more than willing to run it with any players interested, the only care I have is having someone willing to learn, beyond that, whatever's Level 29(nearing 30) warlock
28 hunter Vis of confluence Plan c / raid sniper The horn/thunerlord/hezen vengeance / truth Never been able to round a hard raid cuz im 28 im a very viable player just haven't been able to hit 29 so if anyone has a hard spot open ill be on in an hour same name thanks
Edited by NoodTayne: 12/7/2014 1:05:10 AMI'm a level 27 hunter and haven't done the raid before. Please teach me how to complete the raid. My gt is Rakie11
M level 28 hunter. I did the raid once, but still need the help. Ill message one of you next time im on. My gamer tag is same. Thanks guys
Normal raid need 3 people with experienced and with mic. 27 warlock GT Savior Badge
Hey I'm willing to help Sherpa people through the raid I love doing it. My Gamertag is Tupac23 v2.
Thanks for doing this! What time zone are you and/or the other volunteers in?
Just got finished with tutorial raid. Have one more spot for hard. Send a message to me on XBL for an invite.
anyone willing to help me and my buddy havent done the raid yet level 29 hunter and level 29 warlock. GT-josh1354 thanks
Alright everyone, that's one tutorial raid. Grabbing lunch, and then I will be doing another tutorial raid, then 2 hard raids. While a few slots have already been claimed, feel free to send me a message on XBL to claim a spot in any of those three raids.
Need 5 more 30's for Templar Cp on Hard, message Felicia Goat on Xbox 360 for an inv