[b]If you want to know how to participate, please read the FULL details below.[/b]
Hey everyone, I am looking to help out new raiders or people who are having trouble finding groups. I'm tired of people not accepting others for the following:
1. Being too young.
2. Being under level 28 for normal, 29 for hard, etc.
3. Never having done the raid.
Here's the deal. I am looking for people who have never done the raid or people who have been denied into the raid because they are under 28. If you are at least 26 (for normal VOG) or 29 (for hard VOG, normal CE, etc.), preferably have a mic, and are willing to take directions, I am looking to help out. This is more of a training thing, so if you are just looking for another completion, try finding one of the other groups. This is to teach proper raid techniques (no pushing off bosses or using class exploits) to newer players or people who just want to get a different perspective on how to do the raid.
On top of running full tutorial raids, I also run specialized technique training. This includes sessions that specifically let you practice with all raid relics, soloing portals in VOG, handling inside/outside of portals on Atheon, successfully running lanterns on CE, etc. These will vary as they come up, but details will always be provided and instructors will demonstrate before you do it so you can see it being done. These will be in a calm environment with the sole purpose of letting you become comfortable with the more specialized "positions" in the raids.
Anytime I do a tutorial raid or specialized practice session, I will first invite anyone who sent me a message on Xbox Live (GT: Shwartznwalder). I am not always available, so it's best to send me a message on XBL. I'll reply letting you know I got the message and that I will save your message to invite you next time I'm doing a session. I will then make a post on this thread stating what type of session I will be doing after I send invites out to all people who message me on XBL, and anyone who sees it that meets the qualifications from earlier in this thread can join. It will be a first come first serve, but I generally do several in a row, so it's usually just a matter of waiting a little while to get in on the next one.
If you don't need a tutorial raid, but like the idea of what we're doing (I normally pull in a helper or two, usually people I met from this very thread), leave a message on this thread and a like. Keeping it at the top will help other players who need it find it.
Looking for raid on normal or hard level 30
Normal raid we have 2 need four more fresh save message me for invite Gt is ScenemorriS
The reason they don't get to do the raid is because they're shit
[Need 3 more people for normal raid. Atheion checkpoint. Gt same as username
Level 29 hunter looking to do normal raid from start and go through it fast
Alright I be all raided out for today. I'll be getting more groups together over the weekend.
Alright everyone, I'm firing up another normal raid for new raiders. 4 spots are available so send me a message on Xbox live if you want in. As far as hard raids, I'll probably do a couple this weekend. Stay tuned.
Hey man, could you help me out with the hard rai? I haven't done it yet and I've heard you Have to play completely differently just to do it... I've tried to do the Templar with some Friends, I'm lvl 29 with both subclasses Maxed, and it was just confusing... It's really hard I don't have a mic (it broke sadly) but it's really just a struggle. Can you like teach me your ways of doing the Hard Raid? If not, it's fine man, the fact that you're helping out other people is great. My Gamertag is: pinoypride09 (it's pronounced The letter P then say NOI)
Lvl. 27 warlock who has never finished raid. Have mic. Gt jenocidejantz
My gamer tag is Hexxanon, sunsinger lvl 27 going to 28 msg if you want to team up, I never did the raid
Thanks for all the posts guys and girls. For now I shall retire for thanksgiving dinner, but will be back open for business most likely tomorrow. If you happen to live in a place that celebrates it, happy thanksgiving.
I'll help out any new raider I'm a lv 29 hunter both sub classes if you need help message me gt:blazedrako0724
Hi mate i have only ever run the raid once and they were experienced and kind of rushed it from my perspective. If i could join you one evening that would be awesome. GT : Ttamboom
I don't care who they are for the raid as long as there over 26
I've played with him before I saw this thread. He 's the real deal!! Hope to play with him again. TJ POP
Glad to see people helping newer guardians get in on the best part of destiny. There honestly needs to be more people like you on destiny if you ever need help or are short a player I'm more then willing to help out.
My lvl 25 is a noob, could you help me? I'm on xbox one:)
Can you help me out on my level 26?
im an inexperienced raider requesting group! lvl 29 hunter
Im expierenced in the raid and i have a max lvl 30 titan but cant find anyone to help me with my lvl 26 hunter? Can anyone help me out my gtag is hulky1659 i dont need to do it all the way just to gorgons maze would be nice
Swartz I'm a noob and need help with a raid I have never it before I got to atheon then everyone left GT same as name
Hey everyone starting up another group in spirit of Thanksgiving! Make sure you send me a message on XBL for an invite. Got 4 slots as of now!
Swartz I'm a noob and need help with a raid I have never it before I got to atheon then everyone left GT same as name
Edited by OpticNerve3000: 11/27/2014 3:11:08 PMHi folks -- this is the real deal! Huge THANKS -- Shwartznwalder and two of his 30 friends took me (28), a 27, and a 25 through normal raid for the first time last night. Shwartz explained everything at every stage, helped me learn the relic, and was super patient even when we had challenges. I got VoC at the end, but more importantly I had a great time and learned a lot. DeeJ and Bungie people, if you're reading, this guy is awesome and makes Destiny better. Thanks Shwartz!
Awesome for doing this. Hopefully I can take you up on the offer soon!