Clan "House of Raiding" is openly enrolling any skill level. Must use a mic, must be friendly/patient, and must be willing to lend a hand to others.
My name is Spunky1993, and Bungie told me i had to become legend. This is my path :] So foremost, I'd like to ask the experienced guardians who share my enthusiasm to step up and lend a helping hand to some who need it.
As for my hopeful raiders, this is all for you. Leave your mis-conceptions and bad-experiences at the door, this is a friendly thread.
Whether you're new to the vault, or you live in it, BUMP and like this thread for those who still need it.
****Check for groups needing members first down below, and leave your level/class/raiding experience in the post.
Thank you, Happy Raiding Guardians.
Gamertag: Spunky1993. Level 30 Warlock.
If we're trying to group up, please message me on XboxOne so i can save you easily. It's confusing to navigate my lists sometimes lol.
Eastern Standard Timezone.
Edit: "A True Shepard Of Fire" is recruiting ages 16 and older. They're a real nice bunch :)
TL;DR: Be respectful, and look for groups that need you before you post looking for them.
I want to do a raid now... add me Lvl 28 Warlock most items maxed GT: PapaBearOO7 (OO are the letters)
Hi. I'm looking to do a fresh run on the raid on normal. I've only done it once. Any help would be much appreciated. My gamer tag is KGB ESN. Xbox one. Thanks.
Anyone want to do normal raid fresh or need help send me a message xbox one lvl30 hunter/warlock/titan GT-simo749
Lvl 29 Titan looking for Hard Raid
Lvl 27 warlock Mixximoxxi
Edited by GrEyBuSH87: 11/26/2014 1:26:58 PMHey! i have a level 27 hunter, and a friend of mine is a 29 warlock. Were looking to get a group, we have no raid exp. but we need the chance to learn. still ok if we add you? Xbox One tags: Greybush87- me T Throbber - partner
Im a lvl 29 ive only beat atheon 1 time im a warlock would love some help
Looking to do vault of glass on hard lvl29 hunter add banberz
This is very nice of you. I'm a level 29 Titan play a lot but none of my friends do so I haven't been able to do any real raids or weekly challenges. So if you can add me as a friend and invite me whenever you see me on...I'm down. Thanks again and have a fantastic holiday!
3 players looking for VOG team. We have only done a small portion before. Level 29 Hunter Level 29 Warlock Level 28 Titan
HELP can someone help me run through the story on my secondary please? lvl 4 Titan
Lv 26 hunter looking for a norm vog. I'm experienced all the way up to the gate lord. Never made it past there, everyone always drops out. Xb1 Gt sikkwittitt33
Lvl 29 Titan looking to start a fresh VoG.
I have lvl 27 hunt 26 tit and 24 lock I have only been to Atheon once would like to get in VoG more times. Let me know if it's possible on X1 gt is same as above
Add me on ps4 I'll play the raid any time and with any lvl I'm not 1 of those people who kick you out the party cos ur lvl. 28 I play to have fun if any of you need help just add me on psn l_ SmellyFinger_ l I'm goin to host a raid pArty tonight when I finish work it will be around 10.30 English time normal or hard I don't mind
Hi there! I am a level 25 looking for some help on the weekly nightfall and heroic strike. Add me if you are able to help out! Thank you Ign~ RedNeikko
I'm in gt vVcanis lupisVv 29 hunt and lock add me I will help where needed
30 warlock. Gt: criptch. Anyone who need help on normal raid invite me.
Lvl 29 warlock looking to try VoG on hard if possible.... Done it on normal a bunch but was thinking that trying it on hard would be a bit more fun! GT is same as name above
Tag same as name. Lvl 28 Titan and hunter. Decent weapons. I have only reached the gatekeeper section once with a friendly group but would like to learn VOG so I can start running it regularly. I am on at a wide variety of times. X1. Anyone feel free to add me. Sherpas would be cool but also any other raid newbies looking to team up!
Level 29 warlock only done raid once need guidance invite me gt in same as the name
I've done the Raid 30+ times across Normal and Hard, I have 2 level 30 characters and a 29 on Xbox One. If you add me I may send you an invite when I'm setting up a Raid. My only stipulation is that you wear a mic and follow the instructions that you are given, I don't wanna be spending 2 hours on a Normal Raid because you're not pulling your weight. Having said that I'm not gonna expect you to know everything and I'll happily explain every section to you, just make sure you listen.
29 warlock lf vog hard
Level 29 warlock looking to raid gt: Abbad0n ZA (with a zero) Please send invite
Level 29 Hunter, never done the raid GT: xSiLkYAssAssInx
Anyone willing to help 25lvl hunter through nightfall please add me. GT boaty1856 Good team player and looking to level up!