With no signs of Raid matchmaking, the causal gamer such as myself will be leaving soon.
(I know this makes many of you happy)
You see, I am not a great player by any means, and while I'm not mad about leaving destiny, I won't be buying the DLC.
I just got the "charity" boots and gloves from IB. With an exotic chest piece, I have only a helmet to get to 30....
I will not be able to raid without matchmaking, so I wont be getting the raid helmet....If I cant get to 30, why get the DLC
Matchmaking was an oversight, no matter what you say. So its cool, destiny was fun for the most part...but I think in the next 2-3 weeks it will be over and I'll go back to Madden
Just an insight from a more casual fan to Bungie... I know your game is a monetary success, but you are leaving some money on the table with some of us.
Edited by Mango Smasher: 11/25/2014 2:46:57 AMYou're welcome to join my friends and I for a raid this evening if you're on XBL. If not check out destinylfg.com and hook up with a group there. A few jerks but for the most part all of the guys I've met that way have been really friendly. It's very easy as a solo player to find a group. Lots of people looking for only 1 or 2 more teammates.