So my gf got CoD AW this morning, guess what....... It should of been called CoD ghosts 2
SHES actually returning it lmao (she hated ghosts)
Ok heres a small point review
Lots of guns, but most are the same gun with different sights and attachments
Multiplayer net code is worse than Battlefield 4
Multiplayer is full of the same crap you deal with in ghosts
No dedicated server, unlike what they said we was getting
Call of duty is dead, long live Destiny
Don't buy this call of duty game if you hated ghosts, they are more or less the same disapointment factor.
I agree with some of what you said. First off it is horrible at everything it is trying to do. Gunplay sucks, Hitmarkers suck, movement sucks, gun variety sucks, the maps suck( see the pattern). Then there is the blatant and poorly executed attempt to copy the one COD Dev who gets it right by using all of Treyarcs good ideas and then poorly executing them. You may not like Destiny but the gameplay is smooth like butter. You may not like Titanfall but it's game play and balance is unbelievable and I only appreciate what a small studio was able to accomplish when they care. Finally I will say that I have a COD clan that has been together for the last 5 CODs (about 12 for all of them and 15 since BO2). Everyone of us except one has taken there copy back to gamestop and that should say a lot. Treyarc is the only hope for COD. IW and sledgehammer are shit