originally posted in:Knights 0f Blood Oath
Well fellow clan members i need your guys opinions, im getting alot of mixed msgs about this upcoming DLC think its worth a buy? Why and why not
Is worth it too me too, for the extra Raid if nothing else. It just hurts that almost all of the DLC areas were on the disc at launch, but seeing as I've already got way more than $60 worth of value out of this game I don't mind putting some more into it for DLC. TLDR: Yes
Ya. It depends on your opinion on the game as it is now. I'd you like long term gaming that is a bit repetitive, than get it. I see no problem with the game as it stands right now but that's just me.
I am going to be spending a lot of time on this game so I feel like it is worth it I guess...I don't know it depends on you