With no signs of Raid matchmaking, the causal gamer such as myself will be leaving soon.
(I know this makes many of you happy)
You see, I am not a great player by any means, and while I'm not mad about leaving destiny, I won't be buying the DLC.
I just got the "charity" boots and gloves from IB. With an exotic chest piece, I have only a helmet to get to 30....
I will not be able to raid without matchmaking, so I wont be getting the raid helmet....If I cant get to 30, why get the DLC
Matchmaking was an oversight, no matter what you say. So its cool, destiny was fun for the most part...but I think in the next 2-3 weeks it will be over and I'll go back to Madden
Just an insight from a more casual fan to Bungie... I know your game is a monetary success, but you are leaving some money on the table with some of us.
I've had normal raids that last 4-6 hours. I've also completed the hard raid in 40 mins. Your teammates really do matter in the raid, and ONE weak link can cause a lot of pain. If you're willing to dedicate 4 hours to raiding then take 10 minutes, get on [b]destiny forums[/b], or [b]reddit[/b], or [b]destinylfg.com[/b], or [b]destinylfg.net[/b] and find a raid group. If you lack the patience to find a raid group, then you lack the patience for the raid. I spent 3 hours helping some new raiders beat it on normal, even though I already had my completion this week and received no rewards.