So think the queen will make an appearance before the DLC on 12/9?
I like SPACE turtles
Doubt it. It'll probably be after the DLC drops. Smart thing to do would be to drop it on Dec 2nd to help out players that are struggling to get geared up.
The queen will return. Just not for sometime. Probably after the new years party (hope there are fireworks at the Tower).
Edited by Pcsolyar: 11/26/2014 1:53:12 AM@Deej Turtles are too favorable. They need nerfed now!!!
I, for one, welcome our turtle overlords.
Return of the queen events with a chance at a 30 light helmet drop! Yes please
I was so annoyed to see in one of the update notes that QW wouldn't return soon. It was great, my shaders and cloak are lovely. I felt the items you could buy were more feminine than the IB stuff . I have the rifle but as it's a blue there's just no reason to use it. Hope it returns with more armour, shaders and weapons
So far, the majority consensus is turtles are favorable. ..
In all honesty I would like the queen to return. Only for the armor cosmetics. I cant help but think of the queen as one of the tallest from invader Zim. Makes me smile