My brother is deaf and is a die hard Destiny player. I've found more times than not he's been kicked out of raids, whenever he tells fellow raiders this. One guy straight out laughed at him, and others just left. So now he's gunshy to even let it be known why he doesn't have a mic, and gets kicked anyways for lack of one. It upsets me quite a bit that he can't enjoy one the most exciting and challenging activity of this game regularly. He has completed a run with my the help of my Girlfriend and a nice group of people. I'm just curious if there is a deaf community or players in general that are willing to help out. It's never fun to feel left out due to bias or flat out rude people.
-PS4 console-
Hi tell your brother to add me AJLEUS. I'm deaf and I have 6 player who is deaf and done 5 time on raid. No mic is no problem. Need talk on message about plan and aware what to do.
Tell him to add me players get kicked off teams for the dumbest reasons. Psn vcole1727
sorry to hear that... i have a clan ps3 destiny undyin revenge. ill be gappy to take him. if hes willin to come along.look us up.
I'm there for any players deaf or not who need an easygoing friend who can help them with co-op parts. Mic or not. PS4 PeaceInExile
If you're on xb1 I'll play with him
He's deaf but he talks to them and he knows he gets laughed at?
Im ps3 ill play with him, thats bullshit that he has to go threw that. I got his back!! KittenKatx3 Have 29 warlock & 29 titan
Edited by STiLLGotSKlLL: 12/10/2014 7:17:30 PMTell him to add me Stillgotsklll (skill spelled with 3 L's)
I never use my mic. You can communicate everything you need to by pointing, dancing, or tea-bagging. I'd be happy to group with him. PSN is a_better_man26.
Add me Mikel23xd I hate using mic will help him with raids to if he wants
I'll play with him. My PSN is PAIN1202. I roll with kind folk, yeah we have thick skin but it's all in good trust. We can play with him no worries. Mic isn't a problem, if he doesn't want to use it then he doesn't need to. I play with people who don't use it at all.
What console you play on