originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
Mr. Dieter and I took "little noob" in for some Weekly and Nightfall goodness last night. We're in there playing away, cheesing Sepics mightily in the room with the window, got him down to about a sliver and out of nowhere one of the yellow bar adds comes [b]into the room[/b] after us. Never seen that happen before. MD was right near the door and this bastard with his arc damage knocks him down, I back away from the window and move towards him unloading everything that I've got(super was already gone) but I know he's going to kill me too. So I yell back at my son and tell him to back out...down the stairs if he has to...Right about the time the words come out of my mouth I see the flash of a golden gun off to my left and damned if he doesn't jump into the breach and gun that damn yellow bar down! We all hooted and hollered for a few minutes over that one! Little noob revives us and MD finishes Sepics off with a final shot...we dance and wait on the rewards...my son walks out with a pocket full of coins...and the Last Freakin' Word! He was bouncing off the walls he was so happy!
I had to let him stay up late so he could go and try it out on some poor unsuspecting saps in Crucible...knocked off a 5-kill run right off the bat!
That was absolutely amazing and couldn't have been written any better, in any book! I thought we were going back to orbit for sure, haha. He's a good little noob of a player! Is he still using his prize? I'm glad he got that, he was super pumped! Good times!
Same thing happened to us last night. We were in the left room and a yellow Vandal just charged right in all of the way to the back corner and decimated us all. First time I have ever seen that happen, and I think that it took us all by surprise. Also, even though I have (purchased) The Last Word already, I'm still jealous. I can only imagine the sheer excitement that there must have been to get it as an actual drop! The Nightfalls have not been kind to me in the least as far as good gear/weapons goes, so good for him on getting something of that caliber (pun intended!) without parting with Strange Coins!
Wow very nice!!!