What do you want to see in the Tower this Christmas?
A big tree? Santa hats on all the vendors? Some seasonal voice acting?
Or maybe something more substantial like a Christmas Themed Event?
The only thing I really want is a big white beard consumable that works like the Halloween one...it can strike joy into the Cabal or something, I don't care, just give us beards already!!!
Should we all be focusing on what Christmas is actually all about, celebrating RNGesus?
A Grinch themed Xur
Christmas style shaders
Sounds of Christmas echoing throughout the tower...and snow, gotta have snow
A wishlist of exotics that we could select from for the chance of receiving on Christmas Day
I want some GODDAMN turkey consumables! -blam!- a -blam!- out there grinding all the time and can't get no damn turkey for Thanksgiving? While I'm fending off hoardes of hive I'd like to sit down and eat me some damn good turkey breast or some stuffing you know what I mean??