Eh, other than maybe stat differences the only thing I've seen on all legendary arms are reload x weapon faster and melee faster/throw grenades farther/melee hits restore grenade energy. Boots are just increase heavy ammo capacity which is nice but I can carry 999 rounds of AE ammo where ever I go lol. I use my primary a lot more often than I do my special so having that quicker reload is nice, plus the stats on my current armor (dead orbit/vanguard/crucible) refresh my grenade and super quickly enough. For the play style I like, being 29 is better than going for 30 and possibly having to change my load out.
I agree on some points but I prefer having the additional support perks for pve and for warlocks I find them extremely useful for PvP as well. I guess its a matter of opinion and play style.
Which perks? 0_0
I'll get back to you on that tomorrow lol, not on destiny right now but I know I wouldn't have a arm or piece worn for no reason
No it doesn't
Yes it does, you get more for your melee attack, supers and grenades as well. All depending on the class