Gr8 b8 title so you guys read my thread :D
With this recent iron banner, the complaints that bungie was hearing at the time was
"Levels don't matter, iron banner is a waste of time, all 30s look the same, there needs to be another way to reach 30, zoo of animals, and exotic buffs and vog bug fixes."
Excluding the very last one, bungie has addressed and fixed almost all of these problems. There's now a reason to do iron banner, there's some difference between 30s now, there's a new way to at least help reach 30, levels matter. They're also buffing several exotics it seems with this next update and they've kinda helped tame the zoo. Vog bugs? They're features :P
They even postponed queens wrath it seems to make that better. Like holy shit though, what more do you guys want? And don't content, we've all heard and agree with that one. But seriously bungie saw some glaring problems and they moved to fix them.
And yes, I do find it a little irritating that they're catering to the pvp side first but that just means they're spending more time on pve stuff.......hopefully.
But guys if you want to be respected as a community, then stop with the stupid double standards, society is already plagued with them, we don't need them in our video games either.
Edit: I forgot to mention voice chat as well. It was something commonly asked for and now no one uses it.
It's a little silly. Bungie did some work here that gave the community dang near everything they have been complaining about or at least put in ground work towards those changes. This community sucks...