Hey! i have a level 27 hunter, and a friend of mine is a 29 warlock. Were looking to get a group, we have no raid exp. but we need the chance to learn. still ok if we add you?
Xbox One tags:
Greybush87- me
T Throbber - partner
Thanks for all the replies hopefully we can set something up after this holiday. I'll add all the tags tonight.
gt jamwit8290 glad to help you if you need it
can i join you guys lvl 28 lock, prefer my 27 titan, gt same as above
If you can wait till Friday I can help you then XBOX ONE GT Cousin Neil
Thanks for helpin out :)
I can wait till anytime. I actually work Friday and Saturday till 730pm PsT but I'm available mon-thurs. I'll add you when I get home later and we can figure it all out and do intros or what not.
Feel free to add, you can message me on Xbox for my availability