I'm also a massive Star Wars fan.
Was there any information given as to the current location of Zonama Sekot?
Also one of my biggest points is how pointless the Death Star is and how the Empire could have been successful under military leaders and not led by the whims of a Sith. Countless times the Sith leaders have led their "empires" to ruin due to a feud with the light side.
Also... Unified Force master race.
Everyone knows he created the death star to battle the Vong invasion...Sidious knew about the Vong way back before the New Republic and there is even mention of them in the Mandalorian Wars.
That's just a theory; not proven. You don't think Sidious would've realized how useless the Death Star would be against the Yuuzhong Vong? The Death Star was just a terror weapon.
Bro, do you even science?
Also, the Death Star was more a weapon of terror than actual destruction.
Well Palpatine sortve created the Empire.
I'm saying throughout galactic history powerful military forces have been misused by fanatical sith.