>be me
>be 18
>fapping in bed
>mom knocks on door
>says I'm late for work
>oh shit
>put on pants and run to work
>late for work
>boss yells at me
>sad face
>work at Olive Garden
>making spaghetti
>coworker sneaks up and pantses me
>forgot to put on boxers
>naked from waste down
>turn to scold and knock over spaghetti pot
>spaghetti all over cock and balls
>get erection
>half naked with erection at Olive Garden kitchen
>boss sees
>gets fired
>look at boss in the eye
>finish fap from before
>cum in spaghetti
>serve it to costumer
>they like it
>make some more cum spaghetti
>it's a hit
>get promoted to head cheff
>uses power to murder old boss
>bite out her throat
>gets fired again
>gets arrested
>serving time
You ruined spaghetti with white sauce for me.